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Reclining Wheelchair

by Medcaresurgical

Posted on 2023-09-10 12:57:36

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The wheelchair is being used for several years. It served to help elders and people who have disabilities to move around and be independent. Though the main purpose of a wheelchair is to help an elder or injured person move around and do daily activities without being dependent, over the times' different types of wheelchairs are being invented for different requirements. Each and every wheelchair has a distinct design and capabilities, depending on the type. Today, in this article we will learn about reclining a wheelchair with a commode and its benefits.



Though a wheelchair is a very helpful device, most wheelchair users experience body and joint pains as they are sitting in the same position for several hours, it increases the pressure on the lower back causing other problem like back pain, etc. A reclining wheelchair will help with this problem.


What is a reclining wheelchair?


reclining wheelchair is a wheelchair that transforms the position of the user from sitting to a very close position of lying down. The change of position decreases pressure on the lower back of the user and enables the user to take a break from sitting in the same position for a very long time. It is specially designed for elders and patients with restricted mobility caused due to an injury, illness, or disability who find sitting in an erect position difficult and highly uncomfortable. It is also for those who require a constant change in position.   


A reclining wheelchair supports many parts of the human body, as it can be adjusted and accommodated to several positions and requirements. It also has a supportive backrest and footrest.


What are the benefits of a reclining wheelchair?


As discussed earlier a reclining wheelchair supports most parts of the user's body and makes them comfortable to change positions. Some of the benefits of a reclining wheelchair are:


i. Provides support to back

ii. Gives comfort to the legs

iii. Can change positions from sitting to all the way lying

iv. Prevents constant pressure on the back and lower back

v. Prevents body aches caused due to sitting in the same position

vi. Useful for spine injuries


What is a reclining wheelchair with a commode?


As suggested in the name, a reclining wheelchair with a commode is a reclining wheelchair along with the portable commode that can be attached to the reclining wheelchair when used and removed after serving the purpose.


What are the benefits of using a reclining wheelchair with a commode?


1. Users don't have to compromise on hygiene:

None compromises on hygiene and safety, despite their age, situation and illness. The reclining commode with a wheelchair makes it easy for elders or patients to go to the toilet without any assistance or help. The detachable commode makes it easier to maintain the hygiene of the user.


2. They make the user independent:

Elders or patients have this constant feeling of being a burden on someone and they might hesitate to always ask others for help. The reclining wheelchair with a commode will make the user do some of the things on their own, thus making them feel good about themselves and independent.


3. They help maintain privacy:

Privacy is vital for everyone. The elders and people with restricted mobility should not feel like their privacy is jeopardized. The reclining wheelchair with a commode makes it easier and safer for elders to take their shifts to the washroom in privacy without the fear of any mishap.


4. They prevent body aches and body sores:

Sitting in a constant position can cause two major issues: Body aches and Body sores. With the help of a reclining wheelchair with commode elders and bedridden patients can prevent these major issues. As it can be reclined down there will be a change in the position of the user, therefore, reducing the chances of getting body aches and sore.



A reclining wheelchair with a commode is a substantial choice for older adults and mobility-restrained individuals who don't like depending on anyone else for their personal and private requirements.


If you are looking to buy one for your elder at home, then the Reclining Wheelchair with Commode U Cut from Medcareis ideal.


It has a premium steel frame making it rustproof, detachable armrest, and detachable and elevating footrest, ensuring maximum possible support and safety to its users.


To give your loved ones the independence and comfort of a reclining wheelchair with a commode, contact Medcare Surgical Pvt Ltd.